It seems the attitude established by the residents of Hong Kong has been adapted to their unique living conditions.. people are not people, but large bags of fluid who make great obstacles in the swift walking trip from start to finish. The overcrowded walkways, and under precautious drivers understand the situation and have therefore adapted themselves to having unlimited patience to; slow walkers, cutter offers, to close walkers, and rushed walkers. The residents just make do. A foreigner though on the other hand, who knows only open fields, large over sized sidewalks, and courteous drivers quickly develops an unusual sense of selfishness among the herds of people. One must establish the "here to there" philosophy as a game with the utmost desire to win. Without this commitment to the imaginary game you will find yourself lost among the pawns. Another interesting challenge is crossing the streets of busy Hong Kong. Unlike Canadian walkways people must watch out for drivers, not the drivers watch out for pedestrians i myself almost became a splattered bug to the death machines that race up and down the busy Hong Kong streets. Now from my perspective owning a car in that city makes about as much sense as owning an elephant to get around, they are slow and far to costly. Other than the over abundance of public transit, ranging from red and green taxis to double decker buses to old rickety trams that somehow make their way through traffic on old rails, exotic and expensive high end cars glide from stop light to stop light. It seems the only people willing to waste their money on vehicles are people who don't mind wasting their money, and their time waiting in traffic. Once the game of survival among the cross walks and the mind set of being in a race sets in Hong Kong can do nothing but grow on you, it shows the beauty of nature and humans alike, and speaking of growing the sky scrapers just never seem to stop.
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